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Richard R. Ernst Prize in Magnetic Resonance 2025

Nominations are invited for the “Richard R. Ernst Prize in Magnetic Resonance” (The Ernst Prize), named after magnetic resonance pioneer and Nobel Laureate Prof. Richard R. Ernst, which will be awarded at the EUROMAR 2025 in Oulu, Finland, to recognize ‘recent beneficial applications of Magnetic Resonance’.

The Ernst Prize is intended to award achievements going beyond fundamental research, for groundbreaking applications of new or of previously known techniques in all areas of magnetic resonance. It is intended for research published within the last three years, although the origins of the ideas and experiments may have been described in previous publications. In special cases, and at the discretion of the Prize Committee, the award may be for cumulative achievements over a longer period of time.

The Ernst Prize is intended to be awarded to a single individual; however, it may be awarded to up to three scientists if the Prize Committee deems that their contributions to the development of the applications are of equal value.

Former prize recipients are Alex Pines (2016), Robert Griffin (2017), Claudio Luchinat (2018), Daniella Goldfarb and Angela Gronenborn (2019), and Clare Grey (2020)), Lucio Frydman and Jan-Henrik Ardenkjaer-Larsen (2021), Harald Schwalbe (2022), and Jack Freed (2023)and Lucia Banci (2023), and Bernhard Blumich and Andrew Webb (2024).

The Prize comes with a purse of 15,000 €; it is sponsored by the Bruker BioSpin Corporation, and is awarded annually at the EUROMAR conference.

The 2025 Ernst Prize committee is made by Profs. Lucio Frydman (chair), Harald Schwalbe, Lucia Banci, Andrew Webb, OscarMillet, Ville-Veikko Telkki and Goran Karlsson.

Nominations must include and fulfill the following conditions: the nominee's name, affiliation, address, phone number, and e-mail; a brief (ca. 200 words) description of the work serving as the basis for the nomination, and a list of relevant publications (~5); Nominees may not have received the Guenther Laukien Prize in the preceding five years; Self-nominations are not accepted.

Nominations for the 2025 Ernst Prize will be considered until 15th April, 2025 and should be sent to Lucio Frydman, the Chair of the Ernst Prize Committee.

Anne Lesage, Chair, EUROMAR Board of Trustees, Ludio Frydman, Chair, Richard R. Ernst Prize Committee, 27th February, 2025.

AMPERE Prize 2025

The AMPERE prize is given to a young independent principle investigator (a “rising star”) for their first achievements in their independent career. There is no strict age limit but typically researchers below the age of forty are envisioned. The prize is given biannually. The AMPERE Prize Committee now calls for nominations for the AMPERE Prize 2025 for a young principal investigator in the field of magnetic resonance. The prize will be awarded during EUROMAR in Oulo, Finland 6th-10th July, 2025. The prize carries a value of € 3000. For more details see:

You are kindly invited to submit nominations by e-mail to the president of the AMPERE prize committee:

Nominations must be received by 15th February 2025 and should include the following documents:

  • Nomination Letter
  • Curriculum Vitae of the nominee;
  • A list of publications and presentations at conferences.

Matthias Ernst, Secretary General, Groupement AMPERE, Zürich, 25th January, 2025

Raymond Andrew Prize 2025

In memory of Professor Dr. Raymond Andrew and to honour his pioneering work in the field of magnetic resonance, the Groupement AMPERE awards the Raymond Andrew Prize for a recent PhD thesis.

The prize is given to young scientists for an outstanding PhD thesis in magnetic resonance.

For the Raymond Andrew Prize 2025 the AMPERE Prize Committee is seeking your help in searching for qualified candidates who completed their dissertation during the period of 2023/204. The prize will be presented during EUROMAR in Oulo, Finland, 6th-10th July, 2025. For more details see

You are kindly invited to submit nominations by e-mail to:

Nominations must be received by 15th February 2025 and should include the following documents:

  • Nomination Letter
  • Curriculum Vitae of the nominee;
  • A list of publications and presentations at conferences, • The PhD Thesis as a PDF.

Matthias Ernst, Secretary General, Groupement AMPERE, Zürich, 25th January, 2025.

2024 Nobel Prizes

It was 2024 NOBEL PRIZE week and those honoured were:

  • For PHYSICS John J. Hopfield (Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA) and Geoffrey E. Hinton (University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada); "for foundational discoveries and inventions that enable machine learning with artificial neural networks",;
  • For CHEMISTRY David Baker (University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA; Howard Hughes Medical Institute, USA), Demis Hassabis (Google DeepMind, London, United Kingdom) and John M. Jumper (Google DeepMind, London, United Kingdom) “for computational protein design”,;
  • For PHYSIOLOGY or MEDICINE Victor Ambros (UMass Chan Medical School, Worcester, MA, USA) and Gary Ruvkun (Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA; Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA) “for the discovery of microRNA and its role in post-transcriptional gene regulation”,

Congratulations to the new Nobel Laureates!

8th October, 2024.


6th-10th April, 2025 TalaveraScience will attend the 68th ENC, Asilomar, CA, USA. This is Paul Jonsen's 40th anniversary of attending the ENC which was also at Asilomar in 1985.

19th March, 2025 TalaveraScience will attend the annual symposium of the UK High-Field Solid-State NMR National Research Facility, University of Warwick, Scarman Conference Centre, UK;

12th-13th December, 2024 TalaveraScience will attend the Joint RSC NMRDG and IOP BRSG Winter meeting at Burlington House, London, UK;

7th October, 2024; TalaveraScience client Bridge12 Magnetic Resonance has been acquired by Bruker BioSpin; we wish Thorsten and his team all the best for the future!

25th-26th September, 2024; TalaveraScience will attend the 3rd Annual Users Meeting of the PANACEA Consortium in Aveiro, Portugal.

22nd-25th September, 2024; TalaveraScience will attend the SMARTER 8; University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal;

4th - 8th August, 2024; TalaveraScience will attend the 63rd Rocky Mountain Conferece on Magnetic Resonance, Copper Mountain, CO, USA; this meeting also marks the 80th anniversary of EPR!

30th June - 4th July, 2024; TalaveraScience (both Paul and Colleen) will attend EuroMAR 2024, Bilbao, Spain.

18th April, 2024; TalaveraScience will attend the UK solid-state NMR facility annual symposium, University of Warwick, UK.

8th-10th April, 2024 TalaveraScience will be attending The 57th Annual International Meeting of the ESR Spectroscopy Group of the Royal Society of Chemistry, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK

15th December, 2023; TalaveraScience will be attending the BRSG 2023 Christmas Meeting, at the IOP, London, UK;

12th-13th December, 2023; TalaveraScience will be attending the Taming Disorder in Solid Materials, Durham, UK;

24th-28th September, 2023; TalaveraScience will be attending the HYP23 Conference, Leipzig, Germany;

10th-14th September, 2023; TalaveraScience will be attending the Alpine Conference, Chamonix, France;

20th-25th August, 2023; TalaveraScience will be attending the 23rd International Society of Magnetic Resonance (ISMAR) Conference; Brisbane, QLD, Australia;

2nd August, 2023; Kenneth John Packer. 18 May 2938-18 September 2021, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, is published;

3rd PANACEA Conference 2024, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Protugal attendees, 25th-26th September, 2024

3rd PANACEA Conference 2024, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Protugal attendees, 25th-26th September, 2024.

RSC 2024 International EPR Meeting, University of Warwick, UK, March 2024

RSC EPR Conference 2024, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK attendees, 8th-10th April, 2024.

Contact for further information.