Upcoming Conferences relevant to the current TalaveraScience Portfolio
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Magnetic Resonance
UK solid-state NMR Facility Annual Symposium; 19th March, 2025;
University of Warwick, Scarman Conference Centre, UK; No charge for attending the symposium, registration by 5th March for in person attendance, or by 13th March, 2025, for online attendance;
Frontiers of Magnetic Resonance (RSC NMR DG Spring Meeting); 31st March-1st April, 2025; University of Southampton, Southampton, UK;
Oral Abstracts: 31st January, 2025, poster abstracts: 15th February, 2025;
66th Experimental NMR AND 24th ISMAR Joint Conference (ENC); Asilomar Conference Center, Pacific Grove, CA, USA; 6th-10th April, 2025;
Abstract submissions for Oral Presentations and Posters open mid-September, 2024, deadline 10th January, 2025; Poster abstracts 28th February, 2025; Early Bird (Advance) Conference Registration Deadline, 14th March, 2025;
58th Annual
International Meeting of the ESR Spectroscopy Group of the RSC; London, UK, 1st-5th June, 2025;
NMRS-2025, Joint Meeting of the 30th NMRS and 11th APNMR 26th-29th June, 2025 IISER Pune, Maharashtra, India; Early-bird Registration Deadline: 31st March 2025;
6th - 10th July, 2025, Oulo, Finland; Oral and PhD Students' Poster Abstracts (Orals) Deadline, 14th March, 2025; Presenter Registration Deadline, 30th April, 2025; Poster Abstract Deadline, 15th May, 2025;;
64th Rocky Mountain Conference on Magnetic Resonance featuring the 46th International EPR Symposium,
3rd-7th August, 2025, Snowbird Conference Center, Snowbird, CO, USA;
Alpine Conference; 14th-18th September, 2025, Chamonix Mont-Blanc, France; Registration Open: March, 2025; Registration
and Abstract Deadline, 31st May, 2025;
Nitroxide Radicals: Synthesis and Functional Bio-/Nanomaterials organized as a part of Pacifichem 2025; 15th-20th December, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA;
Registration Open: 18th February, 2025; Abstract Deadline, 2nd April, 2025;
2026 ICMRBS Conference; August, 2026; Davos, Switzerland; http://icmrbs.org
Preclinical Molecular Imaging
EMIM 2025,
20th European Molecular Imaging Meeting; Palacio Euskalduna Bilbao, Bilbao, Spain, 11th - 14th March, 2025; Abstract Deadline, 19th November, 2024; Early Registration Deadline, 16th January, 2025;
Other Areas
Contact info@talaverascience.com for further information.