Upcoming Conferences relevant to the current TalaveraScience Portfolio

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Magnetic Resonance

Highfield NMR NRF logoUK solid-state NMR Facility Annual Symposium; 19th March, 2025; University of Warwick, Scarman Conference Centre, UK; No charge for attending the symposium, registration by 5th March for in person attendance, or by 13th March, 2025, for online attendance;

Frontiers of Magnetic Resonance (RSC NMR DG Spring Meeting); 31st March-1st April, 2025; University of Southampton, Southampton, UK; Oral Abstracts: 31st January, 2025, poster abstracts: 15th February, 2025;

ENC Group logo 66th Experimental NMR AND 24th ISMAR Joint Conference (ENC); Asilomar Conference Center, Pacific Grove, CA, USA; 6th-10th April, 2025; Abstract submissions for Oral Presentations and Posters open mid-September, 2024, deadline 10th January, 2025; Poster abstracts 28th February, 2025; Early Bird (Advance) Conference Registration Deadline, 14th March, 2025;

RSC ESR Group logo58th Annual International Meeting of the ESR Spectroscopy Group of the RSC; London, UK, 1st-5th June, 2025;

NMRS-2025, Joint Meeting of the 30th NMRS and 11th APNMR 26th-29th June, 2025 IISER Pune, Maharashtra, India; Early-bird Registration Deadline: 31st March 2025;

EuroMAR2025 Oulo logoEUROMAR 2025; 6th - 10th July, 2025, Oulo, Finland; Oral and PhD Students' Poster Abstracts (Orals) Deadline, 14th March, 2025; Presenter Registration Deadline, 30th April, 2025; Poster Abstract Deadline, 15th May, 2025;;

Rocky Mountain Conference logo64th Rocky Mountain Conference on Magnetic Resonance featuring the 46th International EPR Symposium, 3rd-7th August, 2025, Snowbird Conference Center, Snowbird, CO, USA;

Alpine Conference; 14th-18th September, 2025, Chamonix Mont-Blanc, France; Registration Open: March, 2025; Registration and Abstract Deadline, 31st May, 2025;

Nitroxide Radicals: Synthesis and Functional Bio-/Nanomaterials organized as a part of Pacifichem 2025; 15th-20th December, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA; Registration Open: 18th February, 2025; Abstract Deadline, 2nd April, 2025;

2026 ICMRBS Conference; August, 2026; Davos, Switzerland; http://icmrbs.org

Preclinical Molecular Imaging

ESMI logoEMIM 2025, 20th European Molecular Imaging Meeting; Palacio Euskalduna Bilbao, Bilbao, Spain, 11th - 14th March, 2025; Abstract Deadline, 19th November, 2024; Early Registration Deadline, 16th January, 2025;

Other Areas

Contact info@talaverascience.com for further information.

Useful Links

Magnetic Resonance

Magnetic Resonance Mailing List: serves its member community to help spread NMR related information on jobs, post-doc and PhD positions, conferences, news, etc. NOTE: the URL has changed to; https://listes.services.cnrs.fr/wws/info/nmr.

The International EPR (ESR) Society Official Twitter Account: tweeting EPR news, views and papers; https://twitter.com/EPR_ESR.

AMPERE logoGroupement AMPERE Website: the largest organization in Europe dedicated to promoting Magnetic Resonance in Physics, Chemistry and related fields.

ISMAR logo
The website of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance (ISMAR)
; ISMAR represents the whole range of magnetic resonance (MR), such as nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI):

Bridge12 logo
Get up-to-date articles about Dynamic Nuclear Polarization enhanced NMR spectroscopy (DNP-NMR) and related terahertz technologies. Brought to you by Bridge12: https://www.bridge12.com/blog/.

Signals logo
  The LOGS blog concerning scientific instrument data organisation, retention, distribution, accessability and veracity:

Spinach logo
Version 2.9 of the Spinach library is now available on the Theoretical and Computational Spin Dynamics Group web site and GitHub with many new features for EPR, NMR and DNP: http://spindynamics.org. It will shortly be available at NMRBox https://nmrbox.nmrhub.org.

chiLife (or ΧLife) is a python package for modeling non-canonical amino acid side chain ensembles, primarily site directed spin labels (SDSLs), and using those ensembles to predict experimental results. The goal of chiLife is to provide a simple, flexible and interoperable python interface to protein side chain ensemble modeling, allowing for rapid development of custom analysis and modeling pipelines. See https://github.com/StollLab/chiLife.

csdmpy logocsdmpy is a Python support package for the core scientific dataset (CSD) model file exchange format. The package is based on the core scientific dataset (CSD) model (link is external), which is designed as a building block in the development of a more sophisticated portable scientific dataset file standard and is capable of handling a wide variety of scientific datasets both within and across disciplinary fields https://csdmpy.readthedocs.io.

mrsimulator logo
mrsimulator 1.0 has been released (2025) and is an open-source Python package for fast computation/analysis of solid-state magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra of both crystalline and amorphous materials https://mrsimulator.readthedocs.io.

ICMRBS Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsxup-QiNEeBrfo-4d5w33Q
ICMRBS Web Site:https://www.mpinat.mpg.de/emergingmr/.

Alxej's COVID-19 infographic
The new location of Professor Alexej Jerschow's NMR isotope list/map!

NMRium, safe, advanced NMR spectral processing in a browser:

NMRProcFlow logoAn interactive 1D NMR spectra processing tool dedicated to metabolomics; The NMRProcFlow open source software provides a complete set of tools processing and visualization of 1D NMR data, the whole within an interactive interface based on a spectra visualization;

A significant part of the archive of Dr. Barry Shapiro’s NMR Newsletters is now available online at the ISMAR website. These letters are an important part of the history of magnetic resonance and should not be lost to current and future generations of spectroscopists. They were used as a quick and informal exchange of information. Many new developments in the field were announced there first. But they often also reflect a lighter side of NMR spectroscopy. Thanks to ISMAR and support by the Shapiro family for this project, these letters are now available to browse and read.
303 of the 516 issues were scanned and uploaded. For the 213 remaining ones we would like to ask the community to look in their libraries and bookshelves for the missing issues. Please send PDF’s to clemens.anklin@bruker.com or if you prefer to send the hard copy contact Clemens for a mailing address (Clemens Anklin, Stephan Grzesiek and Frances Separovic).

Martin Dračínský and the NMR-challenge team have prepared a new interactive website, where you can solve the structures of small organic compounds from 1D and 2D NMR spectra. Feel free to spread the link or use the website for teaching. Enjoy the NMR challenge!

EquipSent logoEquipSent Enable Education - Everywhere. Education and research in low-income countries is severly hindered by lack of funding for scientific equipment - while in high-income countries, such devices are being discarded when they come of age and are still functional. EquipSent seeks to bridge these two dilemmas. Join us to enable education, everywhere!


Like colouring in pictures? Like science? Visit here for science based colouring artwork!

The International Year of the Period Table was in 2019! Follow the link if you would like to access a dynamic periodic table of the elements... Courtesy of Michael Dayah. Ptable: The Interactive Periodic Table. 1 Oct. 1997. Web. 8 Mar 2019

Do you want to collaborate with other scientists in creating synchrotron experiments? Well, The Diamond Light Source has a game for you, Diamond: The Game, created by Claire Murray, Mark Basham (Diamond Light Source) and Matthew Dunstan (University of Cambridge) and can be downloaded from the link below!

Want to learn about Chemistry and have fun at the same time? Now you can, visit d-Orbital Games founded by Dr Zachary Thammavongsy!

Do you want to uncover your unconcious biases - then head over to Harvard's Project Implicit: