Cryogenic Ltd, Phoenix NMR and Bridge12

Produces solids Magic Angle Spinning (MAS) NMR probes. These are available as: (a) the HXY probe with interchangeable probe heads for various rotor sizes from 1.2 mm to 6 mm and static, and;
(b) the HX probe with a fixed probe head. Both can be used in standard and wide bore magnets (solids or liquids NMR systems). 19F channels can be added
to both. Other accessories for VT, spinning, standard samples are available. In addition is the 2.5 mm HFXY solid state DNP NMR probe with auto sample insert
and eject with low LN2 consumption. Phoenix NMR services Chemagnetics, Varian and Agilent solids NMR probes and provides state-of-the-art spinning systems, components and parts fabrication.
7th January, 2022, Phoenix NMR acquires Revolution NMR!

Cryogenic Ltd have pioneered the application of cryogen free technologies for more than 20 years and produce various cryogenic measurement systems including VSM and SQUID, superconducting magnets for beam line, gyrotron and magnetic resonance. Since the late 1990s Cryogenic Ltd has developed magnets for use in EPR and NMR which have the ability to sweep or be persistent over their entire field range without consuming any liquid cryogens. These magnets can be equipped with variable temperature inserts with base temperatures below 2 K. Cryogenic Ltd's latest NMR products are high resolution solid state actively shielded, sweepable NMR magnets from 7 to 14.1 T. Cryogenic Ltd manufacture EPR cryogen free cryostats: the highly successful CF VTC for EPR and the recently introduced Cryogen Free Cryostat for X-band Top Loading Cavities allowing low temperature EPR experiments to take place over extended period of times with unprecedented convenience improving productivity and applicability.
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