7th October, 2025; TalaveraScience client Bridge12 Magnetic Resonance has been acquired by Bruker BioSpin; we wish Thorsten and his team all the best for the future!
2nd August, 2023; Kenneth John Packer. 18 May 2938-18 September 2021, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, is published;
November, 2022, SPINACH, Version 2.7 is now available and will shortly also become available at NMRBox. This version has several new features for both EPR, NMR and
DNP. It is available at the following links: available now; available, shortly.
September, 2022, ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFITS OF LABORATORY PLASTIC REUSE: IonField Systems launch their Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) tools for calculating the CO2 emmission break-even and the amount of the greenhouse gas prevented reaching the atmosphere over a period of seven (7) years for the PureTIP LHC and PurePLATE MCS products. The LCAs were produced according to ISO 14040 by the environmental consultancy Zühlke. These are available as tools on the Ionfield website and require various customer specific inputs. You can see how using IonField Systems technology can reduce your laboratory's climate impact through the following links:
- Microplate Reuse with PurePLATE
- Pipette Tip Reuse with PureTIP
For more information visit the IonField webpage here on the TalaveraScience site and the Ionfield webpage.
Phoenix NMR acquires Revolution NMR, 7th January, 2022!
30th November, 2020;a new publication accepted concerning the use of IonField Systems's Microplate
Cleaning System with colleagues at AstraZeneca, Alderley Park, UK and Ionfield Systems, Morristown, NJ
"Evaluation of the Use of Cold Plasma for Microtiter Plate Cleaning to Reduce Plastic Biohazard Waste", Helen Plant (AZ), Paul Hensley (IFS), Geoffrey Holdgate (AZ), Paul Jonsen (TS),
Mark Wigglesworth (AZ), SLAS Technol. 2020 Nov 30
30th June, 2020; IonField Systems and Lab Services
launch PurePlate™ which is an automated
workcell capable of cleaning up to 2,000 microplates in 24 hours (for PurePlate equipped with 2 Microplate Cleaning Systems™ (MCS™)). Equipped with one or two microwave cleaning systems, MCS for standard microplates and MCS-DW™
for deepwell microplates, the workcell can accept up to 350 used microplates delivered to the designated PlateHotel on one side of the PurePlate, passed through the MCS rinse station and plasma station
where ionised air consisting of highly energetic and reactive oxygen species breaks up organic material and then the cleaned, reusable microplates provided to the other dedicated PlateHotel. The
system can be enclosed by a screen for additional safety.
Designed as a solution for COVID-19 testing in ensuring the continuity of supply of fully cleaned microplates even if there are microplate shortages! Microplates can be recleaned multiple times!
See the following pages for more information:
TalaveraScience IonField Systems Pages
IonField Systems Website
Lab Services Website
We deliver it fast and pure!
11th June, 2020; The NIH have recently publised an eBook entitled Microplate Selection and Recommended
Practices in High-throughput Screening and Quantitative Biology, by Douglas S. Auld, Ph.D., Peter A. Coassin, B.S., Nathan P. Coussens, Ph.D., Paul Hensley, Sam Michael, G. Sitta
Sittampalam, Ph.D., O. Joseph Trask, B.S., Bridget K. Wagner, Ph.D., Jeffrey R. Weidner, Ph.D., Mary Jo Wildey, Ph.D., and Jayme L. Dahlin, M.D., Ph.D. including information in the chapter on
the IonField Systems Plasma microplate cleaning process. The book is an excellent resource on the
subject of microplates.
December, 2019; A new TalaveraScience publication accepted concerning cryogen-free magnets and an investigation into the sources of artifacts, with colleagues at Cryogenic Ltd, Acton, UK "On the magnetic field stability of cryogen-free magnets for magnetic resonance applications", Eugeny Kryukov, Angel Joaquin Perez Linde, Seema Raghunathan, Stephen Burgess, Paul Jonsen, Jeremy Good, Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 105 (2020) 101639 (
31st October, 2019; A new TalaveraScience publication accepted resulting from a survey project with Dr Nathan S. Barrow of the Johnson Matthey Technology Centre, Sonning, UK "Solid state NMR service across the world", Nathan S. Barrow, Paul Jonsen, Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 105 (2020) 101626 (
16th January, 2019; TalaveraScience signs an agreement with Bridge12 to become the sales agency for
Europe, Middle East and Australia and environs for their ODNP and ODNP probes for X-Band Overhauser DNP Spectroscopy, auxiliary microwave components and systems (e.g.,
quasi-optical components, corrugated waveguides, power meters, frequency measuring systems), high field EPR and DNP systems, DNP upgrades for existing NMR systems (e.g., gyrotrons for DNP and transmission lines). Contact for further information.
September 2018; Cryogenic Limited featured in The Parliamentary Review, Manufacturing & Services, 2017/2018, pp23.

19th January 2018: IonField Systems receives top billing on a NIH page focusing on Grantees.
11th January 2018: A press release IonField Announces PlasmaKnife Microplate Cleaning
System Placement With AstraZeneca is now available.
July 2017: The latest installation of a cryogen free cryostat for EPR has been made at The University of Manchester National EPR Facility
& Service.
August 2017: As a result of survey participant requests, 'Community based barriers to the wider acceptance of Solid State NMR' will be
published in the journal Solid State NMR.
17th October 2016: IonField Systems announce the launch of the PlasmaKnife™ and the TipCharger 1536™ for Pin Tools to join the TipCharger
4th October 2016: Phoenix NMR announce their new probe the Phoenix HX probe to join the Phoenix HXY premium probe.
13th May 2015: IonField Systems SBIR phase 2 partner, the NCATS/NIH group lead by Dr Sam Michael has won the HHS Green Champion Award for
2015 based on the reuse of microplates IonField Systems PlasmaKnife Technology.
7th February 2015: IonField Systems at the Society of Laboratory Automation announce PlasmaKnife™ for microplate treatment, TipCharger 2
96, 384 and 1536 for pintools.
8 August 2014: IonField Systems Awarded Phase II SBIR Grant to Develop Cold-Plasma Cleaning Module for Microtiter Plates.
1 June 2014: IonField Systems Inc. launches the Ion Illuminator™ Spectral Analysis System; a tool to measure the performance of the
TipCharger pipette tip cleaning systems.
13 November 2013: TalaveraScience inks an agency agreement with IonField Systems Inc. of Moorestown, NJ, USA to sell their automated cold
plasma pipette cleaning systems throughout Europe: details to be available soon in our portfolio.
10 October 2012: TalaveraScience and Cryogenic Ltd sign an agreement for TalaveraScience to become the agent for their NMR, ESR and MS
cryogen-free magnets; these magnets have a compact and innovative design and do not require regular costly and scarce LHe refills.
September 2012: TalaveraScience is an associate participant in EU FP7 ITN QuanT1 starting in May 2013.
15-20 April 2012: Miami, Florida, USA: 53rd ENC, Revolution NMR announces that the cryogenic MAS probe developed by Dr. Robert Tycko of the
NIH is now commercially available.
15-20 April 2012: Miami, Florida, USA: 53rd ENC, Revolution NMR announce a license agreement with the Florida State University Research
Foundation. Under the terms of this agreement, Revolution NMR will have the exclusive right to worldwide marketing of non-spinning solid state NMR probe technology developed at the NHMFL by Dr.
Peter Gor’kov and his team. Dr. Gor’kov’s probes are well known for technical innovation, high performance, and exceptional craftsmanship.
15-20 April 2012: Miami, Florida, USA: 53rd ENC, Revolution NMR announces Memorandum of Understanding with Battelle on behalf of the
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory on development of high pressure MAS NMR!
13 January 2012: TalaveraScience and Revolution NMR, LLC finalise a distributorship agreement allowing TalaveraScience to sell the entire
portfolio of Revolution NMR's probes and accessories in Europe.
19 December 2011: marked the completion of the project with Aspect Imaging; TalaveraScience wishes Aspect Imaging the best of success in the future!
2 June 2011: Revolution NMR LLC agree to make TalaveraScience their exclusive Agent for Europe for all of their MAS NMR probes.
21 June 2011: EMIM2011, VisualSonics Inc. and TalaveraScience ink a 6 month project with respect to the sale of their Vevo® 2100
preclinical ultrasound system and the Vevo® LAZR and Cellvizio® LAB imaging accessories starting 1 July 2011.
4 April 2011: Image Analysis has a new website for their DCE-MRI diagnosis tool: DYNAMIKA™.
11 March 2011: Aspect Magnet Technologies changes its name to Aspect Imaging.
13 December 2010: Image Analysis in the News!!!: University Alumnus Wins New York City Venture Fellowship!
8 December 2010: Advanced Research Technologies Inc. of Montréal ink an exclusive agency agreement with TalaveraScience for sales of their
time domain fluorescence preclinical imaging system the Optix M3.
1 November 2010: Image Analysis & TalaveraScience enter a 6 month market development agreement concerning DCE-MRI diagnosis tool:
9 September 2010: WMIC, Kyoto: ASPECT Magnet Technologies and Mediso Medical Imaging Systems to Collaborate on Integrated PET-MRI System.
ASPECT Magnet Technologies in the News: ASPECT is featured in an article in Outsourcing Pharma, an online journal servicing the Drug Discovery Sector.
26 April 2010: TalaveraScience signs an agency agreement for the exclusive supply of the Multiple-sample (MSS) probe for solid-state NMR of
Revolution NMR, LLC in Europe. The MSS Probe is available with 4 or 5 sample configurations for all widebore systems from 200-500 MHz and is ideal for long T1 samples.
21 December 2009: Today ASPECT Magnet Technologies Ltd. enters into a non-exclusive market development agreement with TouchDown Biomarketing
b.v. and TalaveraScience with their M2 compact preclinical MRI system in Europe. The M2 high-performance system is based on a 1 T NeFeB magnet, free of eddy currents and equipped with fast
slew-rate 'whisper' gradients.
ASPECT Magnet Technologies Ltd. are based in Netanya, Israel.